Tuesday, November 29, 2011


What's up?

I'm byukid. I post on reddit and t-nation. I'm  working on getting stronger and better at everything I do. This blog is just a place for me to post some general ideas about training, recovery, programming and nutrition. I figure if SilverHydra can have his own blog, why not me?

I can't promise consistent updates, but you can check up on my training here (fitocracy) or here (t-nation). Those both get updated pretty consistently.

My philosophy isn't radically unique: lift heavy things a lot, lift heavier things, lift not as heavy things faster, and hammer weaknesses. I will go over how I brought my bench up from 315 to 365, got my squat from 545 to 605, and my deadlift from 555 to 585(I'll be straight up, the deadlift is my favorite, but worst lift) all in 3-8 weeks.

I lift at the BYU gym and occasionally with some other powerlifting types. I'm eyeing a competition coming up early next year in Nebraska. Utah needs its own competitions though, because the closest ones are 8-10 hours away.

And so that's that for the intro.

Stay strong, stay swole, stay growing.

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