Thursday, February 16, 2012

Deadlifting for Fun and Pleasure

So a little while back I did that whole call for deadlifters thing. I'm fairly satisfied with how people have done with this program, so I'm posting the whole thing.

What I like to do for warmups is nonfatiguing activation types of movements. I generally do a few light squats, some power cleans from the hang, and then start ramping up on deadlifts.

Working sets
Deadlift (% of 1 RM)
65% x3
75% x3
85% x1 (on odd weeks go for AMRAP)
90% x1 (even weeks only)
95% x1 (even weeks only)

5 x2 -this can be either straight deads, or deficit, sumo, RDLs, even good mornings. It's the pre-accessory movement. Take an opportunity to look at your weaknesses in the lift and go relatively heavy on what are generally considered "accessory lifts." If applicable, this can pyramid down or can be straight sets with anywhere from 60-80% depending on the movement.

Progression: every two weeks, add 10 lbs to working sets. So on week one you'll go up to the 85% AMRAP. Week two you'll go up to 95%. Week three you'll do 85% +10 lb AMRAP. Week four you'll do 95% +10 lb.

Suggested Accessory movements:
-Upper back: I like shrugs, top half deadlifts, or pendlay rows, but whatever you like for upper back and traps work will be fine. Go heavy and go hard.
-Hamstrings and Glutes: Posterior chain work is a biggie. As Jim Wendler says, you're not quad dominant, you're hamstring weak. I like bodyweight work like GHR's and back raises, but there are a lot of others. One I really like to do are suspended bodycurls- unilateral or bilateral. Ben Bruno demonstrates here:
These are difficult to do if you don't have equipment, but they give you an idea of things to do. For sets and reps, it's hard to go wrong with a 5 x10 setup.
-Abs: A strong core is key to strong squats and deadlifts. I have a love affair with standing cable crunches with the Spud long ab strap, but you can try to do it with a rope attachment to mimic a short strap. These are great. Weighted decline situps, blast strap fallouts, or any other awesome ab work will do. 3-5 sets, heavy, 12-20 reps. 

I like to take a walk on the treadmill on a high incline at a slow pace to help with recovery.

So there it is. Now, it was a mistake on my part to release it as part of a "secret training program" which I have since scrapped. I'll be more wise and not pull stunts like that again. If you have any questions or comments, please share.