Wednesday, October 31, 2012

31 Oct Log

btn push press
135 x6 x3
185 x4
225 x3
275 x1

185 x3 x5

585 x7
675 x5
765 x5 x4

Another get in, get out, get on with it. I'm also away on a weekend field camp this weekend, so I won't be able to train, but Monday I'll be back with squats.

Monday, October 29, 2012

29 Oct log

Today was definitely just a get things done day. I didn't want to spend much time at the gym because I feel like crap. So I cut out deadlifts, since those take so much energy, and decided on pendlay rows, good mornings, and close-grip flat bench.

pendlay rows
135 x8
185 x8
225 x5
275 x5
315 x3 x3

good mornings
135 x4 x10

flat bench
45 x8
135 x8
225 x5
315 x1
135 x20

Not a bad day, just a get in, get out, get on with it.

Friday, October 26, 2012

26 Oct log

135 x8
225 x6
315 x4
405 x3
495 x2
545 x1 (beltless, just to see if I could)
555 x1
565 x1
575 x1
585 x1
595 x1
505 x4

front squat
275 x3
315 x2
365 x1

3 x20

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

24 Oct log

95 x8
135 x5
185 x4
205 x3
225 x2
245 x2
265 x2, 2, 1
Wanted 4x2 with 265. Wasn't happening- I spent too much time on klokovs!

poundstone curls
45 x40, 40, 20

assisted chinups
+some weight x 20 total (across 3 sets)
Starting to do these, alternating weeks with lat pulldowns.

kroc rows
100 x30/30

close grip bench
185 x25
My first attempt at a relatively fatigued edu challenge. Also I haven't flat benched in a few months, so I figured starting to get some practice will be good.

Monday, October 22, 2012

22 Oct log

deficit deadlifts
225 x8
315 x4
405 x2
455 x1
495 x1
Nothing... 495 was such a chore I didn't even want to try 515.

sumo deadlifts
I needed something to switch up since deadlifts have gone nowhere.
315 x3 x5

good mornings
225 x3 x8

135 x12, 12, 6

My deadlift is really hurting. I'm still thinking out what I want to do, but dropping the $$$ for Paul Carter's book Strength, Life, Legacy is likely #1 on the list. Strength off the floor is non existent so I'm making everything touch and go and being crazy anal about my set up. Ah well. Maybe it's time to take a 3 month break from deadlifts. We'll see.

Friday, October 19, 2012

19 Oct Log

135 x5
225 x2 x5
low bar
315 x5
405 x5
495 x3
545 x2
585 x2 rep pr
545 x2 x2
525 x2 x2

(fat close-grip incline bench press)
135 x25, 15

decline situps
bw x3 x15

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

17 Oct log- PR

klokov presses
45 x20
95 x16
135 x10
155 x5
185 x3
205 x1
225 x1- PR
155 x8
135 x12

poundstone curls (barbell +fat grips)
45 x40, 25, 20, 15

kroc rows
100 x8/8
100 x26/26

All name-based workout? It'll do. I need to invent my own tricep movement so I can do that with these next week.

Monday, October 15, 2012

15 Oct log

deficit deadlifts
225 x8
315 x5
405 x2
455 x1
495 x1
missed on 515... need to practice these more. But I can definitely feel them helping my piriformis and general strength off the ground.
365 x3 x5- these were tough. Touch and go, gripping the bar as hard as possible, long hold on the final rep of each set

good morning
135 x3 x10

135 x20- surprisingly easy. feeling good about that.

Also, yes, I've added ads to the blog. Feel free to get an ad-blocker or whatever if you don't like them.

Cuisinart Smart Stick Stainless Steel Hand Blender & Chopper (Google Affiliate Ad)

Friday, October 12, 2012

12 Oct log- THE SQUAT IS BACK!

135 x8
225 x5
315 x5
405 x3
495 x2
545 x1
585 x1
605 x1!!!
515 x3
495 x5

Well, I still have lingering pain, but this is great news for me. I hit 605 about 3 weeks before I thought I would. I've just been man-handling 585 the past few times and knew it was time to go for it. I actually went just below parallel for this, and nearly lost it on the way up because I got stuck with almost no momentum. A grunt and spread of the feet though and it was up. Super happy- so happy I decided to go for some more reps around 500. Great day.

leg curls
100 x3 x30

pec dec flyes
75 x60

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10 Oct log

45 x20
135 x8
185 x5
205 x2
135 x10

495 x10
585 x8
675 x8
765 x3 x5

chest press
145 x25, 16, 12

tricep pushdown
45 x50

Monday, October 8, 2012

8 Oct Log

deficit deadlifts
135 x8
225 x6
315 x3
405 x2
495 x1
515 x1
405 x2, 3, 3

good mornings
185 x3 x12

poundstone curls
45 x40, 35, 25

standing abs
185 x10
155 x15, 12

Friday, October 5, 2012

5 Oct log

klokovs or BTN snatch grip strict presses
45 x a lot (i lost count)
95 x15
135 x10
185 x3
205 x1
155 x8, 5, 5

incline press
135 x20, 15, 10

face pulls
75 x100

135 x4 x15

db presses
35 x a lot

Monday, October 1, 2012

1 Oct Log

185 x10
275 x5
365 x4
455 x3
495 x1
545 x1
585 x1
545 x3
495 x3

135 x15/leg
man i suck at these

leg extensions
100 x40

120 x60

cable flyes
75 x30