Thursday, December 1, 2011

One Week Program

Sometimes, you have a busy week and you can only get in a couple times a week to train. So I thought I'd give you a basic two day program. You can do this program twice a week if you get a little more time. It's basic, straightforward, and you'll be in and out in an hour or so.

Squats- warmups, then 3 x70%, 3 x80%, 2-3 singles x90%
Abs- 3 sets of 20 of either hanging leg raises or decline situps
Overhead press- warmups, then 5 x65%, 5 x75%, 3-5 x85% , 15 x50% (take two sets if needed)
Seated DB raises- something medium weight, raise to front and to side as one rep 3 x10-12

Deadlifts- warmups, then 3 x70%, 3 x80%, 2-3 singles at 90%
Back Raises- hold at the bottom, 3 x8-10
Bench Press- warmups, 5 x65%, 5 x75%, 3-5 x85%, 15 x50% (take two sets if needed)
DB Press- choose a good weight (combined about 50% of your bench 1 rm) and get to 50 however you can

If you do this twice a week, drop back raises on B, replace with the abs from A, and replace abs from A with a quad exercise- front squats, leg extensions, hack squats or even jumps. Also, lower the working weights by 10-15% on the second day and up the reps by 2-3 (e.g. second squat day would be 6 x55%, 6 x65%, 5-6 x75%).

There's no progression built into the program because it's meant to be sustained for a week, maybe two at the most. Help you bridge the gap between programs if you so choose.

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