Friday, July 26, 2013

26 July Log and Some Thoughts on Motivation


  • 135 x10
  • 225 x8
  • 315 x5
  • 405 x3
  • 455 x1
  • 495 x1
  • 225 x5 (10 sec pauses)
  • 10 standing
  • bar x25
  • 45 x20
  • 75 x10, 10, 10
  • Db- 40 x 5/arm
  • 45 x50
Weighted Carry
  • 60 lb tire x6 laps  of the gym (two laps overhead carry)
  • 25 minutes total, 12 at 2.5 and 15 % incline, 13 at 3.0 and 7.5% incline

I spent the time on the treadmill watching a couple motivational videos and really grinding it out. My hamstring has been going crazy, hence the RDLs which were to get in a good stretch and load them at a stretch. While on the treadmill I kept thinking about how I'm going to succeed. It's a good feeling, knowing right now what is in the future. I know, maybe this sounds a little off, but follow me. I have lofty goals. I mean, I have a goal to be the first man to total 3000 lb raw (1000 lb squat, 1200 lb dead, 800 lb bench). Now, some people may think that's stupid, but forget them. Did anyone ever break a world record thinking about their limitations? I'm setting my sights on the potentially unobtainable. I'm not dishonest with myself about that. I know that I will likely fall short of this. But even if I reach 75% of my goal, I'll have done more than most people dream about. How many of your goals have you achieved at least 75% of? I'm betting it's more than you've achieved 100% of. Think about your trajectory. They say a flame that burns twice as bright lasts half as long, but that's only if you don't add fuel, and I have that fuel. My family, my friends, my desire to do this. My willingness to sacrifice to achieve this. I will do this. It's not a question in my mind, it's just a fact. The reality is in my mind already it's just a matter of time catching up to it, and that will happen because of the work I put in. Delusional? Hardly, it's determination. It doesn't matter to me if I ever actually deadlift 1200 lbs, but it matters that I focus there. What's the point of focusing lower?

It's also me thinking about how I won't let my son fall into the same mistakes I did, especially regarding weight and fitness. I just want him to never have to experience what it's like to be 300+ lbs at 35% bf. It's not something anyone should ever want to experience. It sucks. I'll make sure he pushes his limits and never settles, but I'll do it by helping him discover his own potential. He needs to unlock that desire and that drive. He needs to get that taste of success that can be a guiding factor in his life that makes every choice easier. 

I have so many excuses I could give for why I'm no where I should be, but they don't matter- all that matters is today, what I do today, and what I give up today so that I can be where I need to be tomorrow and in the future. What did you sacrifice today? What are you slaying? If you're giving it up, you don't pick it back up tomorrow. You give you friend a gift- do you pick it up at the beginning of every day and return it every evening? NO. Change is instantaneous. Change happens as fast as you want it to- everything else is just you waiting to change. Change now, and don't put it off.

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