10 July 2012- Squatting
jump squats
135 x5
315 x8
405 x5
495 x3
I was going to do more with 545, but I was trying to stay unbelted, and I don't think a second rep would have gone well. Next week I'll try and get in a double, maybe 3 singles with 545
box x5
broad x5
depth x3
trx planks
20 sec- out front, semi superman
30 sec- hands by side, more of a pushup
I'm also doing a lot of kb swings- just got a 62 lb one for cheap. Doing them for conditioning/ back rehab. Helping a lot. I don't think I'll squat over 600 until this fall when I'm back in a gym with bars that can actually handle that kind of weight.
Also, I wanted to take time and endorse the Swole at Every Height Blog . I am an avid support of the SAEH movement. Swole is not a choice- it is who I am.
Oh, Hi there :)