Monday, January 28, 2013

Meet Report- APF-AAPF Meet in Idaho Falls

Video here

Basically after having the flu, falling multiple times on BYU campus from the icy rain conditions (spraining my wrist, destroying my upper back on a can of monster), I managed to pull myself together and compete. I did alright. I didn't do as well as I'd hoped, for a variety of reasons, but I'll focus on the ones I can control.


First attempt was 595. I knew I could hit this weight in my sleep. I made two big mistakes- one, warming up too soon, and two, setting my monolift height too high. This meant that I was putting the bar higher on my back than I wanted, and that I was already lost to my warmups- I could either hit 545 for another single, or wait. I waited, and it messed with me. Another factor may have been that the judges were being pretty lenient with depth, so I was a bit cocky about it, but regardless I got two reds for depth.

Second attempt was 600. I upped it because 595 still felt fine, even if I hadn't gone to depth. Unfortunately, I lost my air at the top and didn't reset because I was worried about getting red lighted for movement at the top. I lost it in the hole.

Third attempt was 600 again. I was genuinely scared by this weight. I had planned to make a run at 645 this competition, and here I was struggling with a weight I had done week in and week out for a while. I set up, got big air, held it for what seemed like forever until the squat command, went down until I thought I hit parallel, then put everything I had into getting back up. I was surprised for three whites- I don't know that my depth was any better than the first attempt. It certainly wasn't any worse, but regardless I was on the board and I hadn't bombed out.


My warmups were better, but still a little haphazard. I had a conservative opener- 325- because of my sprained wrist. 325 was so ridiculously smooth I decided to make a big jump to 369. That would be a 13 lb meet PR and a 4 lb all time PR. It was surprisingly easy, and so I decided to make a big jump for my third attempt. In retrospect I should have gone for something in the 380s, but I wanted to break 400. 402 was a no go. I got chalk in my eyes, then I rolled my shoulders forward, and could barely get it off my chest.


Warmups were tough. I worked up to 545 and felt good though, so 600 opener it was. As you can see in the video, that was simple. I jumped up to 633 with the idea I would got for 680 as a big finale for a double bw deadlift. When I locked out 633 I thought it was good. It felt good, and looking at the video it looked good. For whatever reason though, I got two reds (allegedly not locking it out). I decided to play it safe and take 633 for my final attempt, but it was no good- I hitched it after letting it rest on my thighs. I wish I had remembered some baby powder.

Many special thanks to my wife for filming. Even though she is pregnant, she was a trooper, even getting me lunch before deadlifts. Thanks to Linda for putting this on, and to the Boise State strength team for making it a well-attended meet. I met a lot of good guys there and it was well run. I have to say I left a lot of weight on the platform, which makes me glad I am competing again in March.

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