Summer 2013
It's been a long summer. Work has been awesome. Prepping for baby stuff has been crazy. I'm taking the GRE on Saturday. And I've finally gotten back in the gym after 12+ weeks off. The only things I've done were some kb swings and stuff, swimming, and sprints in the water. So this is how this week went.
- 135 x10 (front squat)
- 185 x5 (front squat)
- 185 x5 (back squat)
- 225 x5
- 275 x3
- 315 x3
- 365 x2
- 405 x1
- 135 x4 x8
- 5x5 fallouts
Jumps- a bunch
HIIT on cycle- the Layne Norton protocol.
- 135 x12
- 225 x8
- 315 x3
- 405 x1
- 495 x1
- 225 x3 x5
- 135 x5 x5
Face Pulls
- 60 x3 x20
DB Front Raises
- 45 x3 x10
HIIT on Cycle
- 135 x12
- 225 x8
- 315 x5
- 405 x3
- 495 x1
- 315 x3 x3
- 45 x40
- 95 x25
- 135 x12
- 185 x5
- 225 x2 x3
HIIT on cycle
- 135 x12
- 225 x8
- 315 x6
- 405 x3
- 495 x1
- 405 x2 x2
- 135 x15
- 185 x10
- 225 x8
- 275 x3
Abs- cable crunches
All in all, not a bad week. I'm squatting in basketball shoes because they provide ankle stability for now, though I may got barefoot because on the heavy sets my feet slide too much in the shoe. It's been a good switchup.
I'm loving the HIIT. 15 minutes of balls to the wall cycling. I modify it just so that the last cooldown period is on zero resistance and is a little longer. Gives me time to recover.
I'm eyeing a few competitions this fall. I am still cutting down, averaging 1.5 lbs a week. I could probably go harder than that, but I'm happy with the pace. I am thinking of running a 7 day PSMF but we'll see. Post GRE so I don't have that stress hanging over me.
I've got a few ideas for blogposts rolling around in my head, but I've been too busy with work and writing a short story to get them typed up. I may post a link to my short story when it's sufficiently revised. I like it, anyways.
So that's that. I'm busy but happy.
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