incline press
95 x15
135 x10
185 x7
205 x6
225 x5
245 x4
275 x3
295 x2
315 x2
265 x6, 4, 3
poundstone curls
45 x50, 35, 15
-165 x9, 8
-145 x8
Girl worked in between 2nd and 3rd set, re-set the assistance to 145 instead of 165. It was a tougher 8 reps than I thought it would be, but I got it. So I'm happy about that.
bw x3 x10
bw x5
extra set because I felt like it. Plus I wanted a sick chest pump.
So I've been easing into this next phase of my training- moving away from OHP to incline press, doing basic assistance on pressing days, then back squats one day where I work up to a moving max (e.g. 585 as of late, going to be 605), then a few back off sets (3-7 sets of 3-6 reps), with whatever assistance work I want that day (shrugs, mobility, hamstring, low back stuff), then on deadlift day doing the new strong 15 from Strength, Life, Legacy and then rdls and front squats, with other stuff being worked in as needed like light overhead work, etc.
I will probably include squat lockouts every other week just to keep it interesting. Maybe I can get 765 x10 someday, which would be fun.
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