Saturday, November 3, 2012

3 Nov Log

So you know those days when everything is going right? Well, Brodin truly smiled on me today, after being sick and vomiting up/losing 8 lbs over two days, I went in the gym today feeling pretty good and came out feeling like I had been very broductive.

135 x10
225 x8
315 x6
405 x4
495 x3
545 x2
585 x1
605 x2 x1- this was awesome. I racked 605 after the first rep and realize I had another in the tank (and possibly another), so I grabbed a sip from the shaker, set up, unracked, dropped into the hole and popped back up like a hot knife through butter. Killer day

squat lockouts
605 x5
635 x5
675 x5
725 x4 (only because a clip fell off)
765 x4

squats ass't
495 x5 x3- coulda done more probably, but wanted to keep it beltless

75 x a lot just filler/ get blood flowing.

So after a few lagging weeks, this workout came in and man, I feel on top of the world. Good day.

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